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The Global Solution:
A global problem requires a global solution with the help of policymakers and people in political power. It is mainly proposed for what has to do with supply chains and international trade which is rife with propagating plastic pollution to its highest degrees.
Thus it can be understood that the game relies on being part of alternative production methods, and different raw materials excluding polyester or nylon, and so on

Brio as part of the global solution:
Brio Bags contributes to its message of raising awareness towards helping marine life prosper through designing reusable bags made of biodegradable fabrics as an alternative to plastic disposable ones. It reflects environmentalists’ ambitions and individual environmental concerns through creative designs made by local eco-artists. Aiming to collectively enforce sustainable policies, as well as influence individuals’ daily behaviours.

The Global Solution:
A global problem requires a global solution with the help of policymakers and people in political power. It is mainly proposed for what has to do with supply chains and international trade which is rife with propagating plastic pollution to its highest degrees.
Thus it can be understood that the game relies on being part of alternative production methods, and different raw materials excluding polyester or nylon, and so on

Brio as part of the global solution:
Brio Bags contributes to its message of raising awareness towards helping marine life prosper through designing reusable bags made of biodegradable fabrics as an alternative to plastic disposable ones. It reflects environmentalists’ ambitions and individual environmental concerns through creative designs made by local eco-artists. Aiming to collectively enforce sustainable policies, as well as influence individuals’ daily behaviours.

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التلوث في المحيطات وتأثيراته
التلوث البلاستيكي
Lama Hachem
Thu Jul 2022
يشير الانخفاض الكبير في التنوع البيولوجي في العالم إلى الأنشطة البشرية المفرطة. المشكلة الحرجة هي أن التأثيرات البشرية قد سرعت معدلات الانقراض الحالية إلى 1000-10000 ضعف المعدل الطبيعي (لوفجوي ، 1997). في المحيط ، تأتي التهديدات الرئيسية لسلامة الحياة البحرية بأشكال مختلفة ، مثل الاستغلال المفرط ، والصيد الجائر ، والحصاد ، وإلقاء النفايات الكيميائية والصناعية والمشعة التي يتم إلقاؤها عمدًا في المحيط ، خاصة قبل عام 1972.
 بالإضافة إلى هذه التهديدات ، يمكننا إضافة التلوث واستصلاح الأراضي وتغير المناخ العالمي (Beatley، 1991؛ National Research Council، 1995 & al.).
كلمات البحث: حطام بلاستيك ؛ التلوث؛ البيئة البحرية؛ لا تهدير.

تمت مراجعة التلوث بالبلاستيك وتأثيره الضار على البيئة البحرية من خلال الجمع بين معظم المؤلفات القائمة على هذا الموضوع.

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What is a carbon footprint?
التغير المناخي
Lama Hachem
Tue Jul 2022
The biggest challenge we’re facing as species is surviving the upcoming 100 years. We’re living in an environmental catastrophe due to many reasons, such as climate change, pollution, extinction of species, polar ice melting, and ocean rising, threatening cities to disappear from the globe! 
Even though this disaster, we can still take action to minimize the damage and help the environment to heal. Reducing the carbon footprint is one of the solutions.
Now you might be asking: what is a carbon footprint?
Let’s start with a simple definition. It’s a measure of the total amount of greenhouse gasses released into the atmosphere caused by a service/product, an individual, an organization, and even a nation! It’s usually measured in tones of CO2 (carbon dioxide equivalent). 
But what are Greenhouse gases? Well, we can define them by any type of gas in the atmosphere. It has a major role in blocking the heat from escaping. As a result, the earth is warming up at an unnatural rate!
The causes of a carbon footprint 
These emissions are caused by a few main industries. For example, burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) produced 36013.52 million tonnes of CO2 in 2016! We can add agriculture, waste, and industrial processes.

 Can you even believe that they create the majority of the greenhouse gasses we produce! 

Let us share some data that focuses on territorial emissions from just a few countries. For sure, we should in consideration the difference in population size across these countries. 

The total annual emissions (tones of CO2) in 2017:
-       China: 9.84 billion.
-       United States: 5.27 billion.
-       India: 2.46 billion.
-       Canada: 571.14 million.

Now, you must be blaming those countries and these big businesses. But do you remember, we mentioned that individuals have also a carbon footprint? Your actions and your lifestyle choices have some impact on the environment. 

A good place to start understanding your carbon footprint is by asking questions about your life and your activities. It will give you an overall picture of your emissions. These are very simple such as the energy you’re using at home, the fuels used for your car/motorbike, etc…

We can also list your waste production, your diet, the type of food you eat, and even your shopping habits like purchasing electronic products that play a role in carbon emissions.
In the end, we can conclude: that the more you lower your carbon footprint, the more you can live a healthier lifestyle. So, you can help in contributing to the overall reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and saving money as well!
إقرأ المزيد ....
10 Sustainable Fabrics for your eco-friendly fashion!
نظام الحياة الواعي بيئيًا
Lama Hachem
Tue Jul 2022
“Sustainable fabrics” is a term used to group various environmentally friendly materials. They are produced from natural or recycled materials.
They aim to reduce harm through the production process, fiber properties, or overall environmental impact. They can also contribute to waste reduction, water conservation, lowered emissions, and soil regeneration.
So, fashion lover, you must be curious about choosing sustainable fabrics to make your wardrobes more eco-friendly! We will share with you all the best options to choose from while shopping! Reading garment labels is the key. You might find:
1-    Organic Cotton: It has been booming in the last few years. It is an alternative to conventional cotton. It aims to reduce the environmental impact of cotton production by removing any toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. This usually implies a sustainably managed fabric production process.
2-    Recycled Cotton: Wanna have more sustainable cotton in the market? Go recycled! It is made using either post-industrial or post-consumer waste. Did you know that your favorite ethical cotton Jeans could be made from industry fabric scrap or other recycled cotton garments? It also has many benefits such as:
  • Reducing water.
  • Reducing energy consumption.
  • Prevent fashion waste from ending up in a landfill.
3-    Organic Hemp: It is a specific type of cannabis plant. It’s fast-growing all around the world, healthy for the soil, and requires very little water and no pesticides. That’s why It’s everywhere! It can be used in cosmetics, as building materials, and also as food!
It will keep you cool in summer and warm in winter.
4-    Organic Linen: Linen is almost identical to hemp in terms of sustainability. Both of them are super light, breathable, and biodegradable. You might be asking about the difference. Well, Linen is made from flax which can be used in its entirety (seeds, oil, and crop). In other words, there is no waste! 
5-    Tencel/Lyocell: It is a type of rayon derived from cellulose fibers by dissolving wood pulp. The Australian company Lenzing AG utilizes eucalyptus wood, sustainable practices, and requires less energy and water to produce. Even the chemicals used are recycled to reduce dangerous water. It is perfect for active wear due to its anti-bacterial properties!
6-    Bamboo: It is a fast-growing, regenerative crop that doesn’t require fertilization and is often known as a sustainable garment fabric. Bamboo is incredibly absorbent, comfortable, and moisture-wicking, making it a favorite with sustainable brands. You can find it in everything from pajamas, and lingerie to eco-friendly sunglasses! 
7-    Pinatex: Who doesn’t love leather jackets and pineapple? No one! Now let’s combine both of them and we will get a Pinatex! It is vegan alternative leather made from pineapple leaf fibers in 2017. Well, nowadays people can wear pineapple food!
It helps to reduce waste and helps the farmers to grow the fruit!
8-    Econyl: This material is created by Aquafil, an Italian firm. It is recycled nylon. It uses synthetic waste from industrial plastic, ocean plastic, abandoned fishing nets, and waste fabric, and transforms them into new nylon fabric that is the same quality as nylon. It is produced using a closed-loop system and uses less water. Despite his advantages, some of those annoying microplastics might end up in our waterways!
9-    Qmonos: Wanna feel like you’re in a sci-fi movie? Wear something made with Qmonos. This ethical Japanese fabric is made through the fusion of synthetic spider silk, microbes, and spider silk genes. Can you believe that it is five times stronger than steel? It is also entirely biodegradable and more flexible than nylon despite its being very lightweight! Don’t worry, zero spiders were farmed or harmed in the making of this fabric. 
10- Silk: It comes from silkworms that subsist on a diet of only mulberry tree leaves. It has a resistance to pollution. It’s easy to grow and completely compostable which makes it great for our planet. Can you imagine that silk is great for your skin due to its antibacterial properties?
 If you’re looking for sustainable silk, go for Ahimsa silk or peace silk. The nonviolent production process allows the silkworm to live a natural life (with no fungicides, sprays, or insecticides) and eventually evolve into a butterfly, which can emerge on its own. After that, the silk is collected. That’s right — no animals were harmed in this type of silk fabric production.
In the end, we highly recommend checking if the fabrics that you’re wearing are sustainable. Be sure you are making the most ethical choice!
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Tripoli - Lebanon
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Smar Jbeil, Batroun, Lebanon
Ein El-Mrayse, Beirut, Lebanon
Tripoli, Lebanon
Zehriye, Tripoli, Lebanon
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